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November 17, 2002

stuff happens so fast yesterday

stuff happens so fast

yesterday i went on an amazing nature hike with some new friends and this mexican guy named roberto, then i came back and wrote a nice clever description of the trip, about how we went to this natural arch carved out of a mountain by a river running through it, and about how happy i felt to be walking through the chiapas countryside with new friends, breathing mountain air. then i tried to post the damn thing, and the computer i was on wacked itself, and i lost it all, it must have been 4 pages. i was quite sad as i walked back to the hostel in the rain, but what can you do? i know i´ll always remember that day, walking along a trail and we´d stop and give mandarine oranges to children who didn´t even speak spanish, their mothers dressed in bright colors and wary of us. the water of the river was so cold, i stood in it up to my knees, savoring the anticipation of dunking into it, then dropping in and feeling the air get sucked out of my lungs, pushing my head underwater and hearing the water rush by, then standing up and feeling the mountain air, cool as it was, blow past me almost like a hairdryer.

as we walked back tons of memories of of amazing times in my travels flew through my mind, like when aaron, mike stanger, dave and i walked up mount alice in alaska, and when i wandered away from some group excursion in spain into the countryside and found myself on a little mountain road in between fields of sheep and crops. i sorta realized that since i don´t take so many fotos, then what will jog my memory of those times in my life is having more of them. which isn´t a bad thing.

anyways, last night was my friend loretta from chile´s last night here, so we all went out to the lame dance clubs. anthony and eileen got a bit intoxicated, no wait they got really intoxicated, they were a sight to see dancing slowly as all the mexicans twirled each other around in salsa like fashion. we drank beers and more beers, and finally loretta, this aussie chick (people from australia and new zealand always call women from their countries ¨that aussie chick¨ or ¨that kiwi chick¨) named emily and i told roberto goodbye and headed back onto the streets. we hailed a cab and i told him to take us somewhere with beans and rice. he took us kinda far away from the hostel, but we gorged ourselves, then decided that we weren´t going to pay more then 10 pesos to get back to the hostel. i talked to some cab drivers, trying to put on the chilean accent that i´d been working on all evening (they mumble and cut words and use some italian verb tense endings, it´s weird but cool), and finally i pretty much had to jerk this guy around to get him to drive us.

yesterday i felt again this feeling i get every once in a while on this trip when i´m cruising along in a conversation in spanish, so amazed that it´s part of me now. more on this later, the sun might come out and the sunsets here are amazing.

Posted by bendan at November 17, 2002 03:16 PM

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