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November 25, 2002

so i may or may

so i may or may not be leaving tomorrow, the long anticipated tassies are supposed to be here on thursday, but i´m kinda itchy to head out. planning on going to palenque with my friend emily and maybe eileen as well. last night was good relaxed fun, went to this bar called the podium with the basque kids and watched some funk bands, it was cool, the drummer looks just like michael jackson, even dresses like him, and they play thriller all the time there. it´s weird. the band, which is also the staff of the restuarant and the owners and also all related, invited imanol, one of the basque kids, to play bongo drums with them again tonight, so looks like i´m going back. the basque kids leave tomorrow, they have to go to mexico city by the 27th to fly home the 28th, they´re not stoked, that´s a hell of a lot of hours in busses and planes. they keep saying i have to go to pamplona next year for san fermines. we´ll see, i have this bad mental picture that it would be thousands of pasty white german tourists with fanny packs and cameras around their necks, these guys say it´s the best though.
read this this morning, i reckon most of you would be inclined to agree.
this would be a terrible way to go. makes the case for child leashes, though, eh?
been looking online for info on medical interpreting. there´s a killer program in venezuela, too expensive though. i´ll keep looking.
gonna go call the lady in cancun about cuba. cross your fingers.

Posted by bendan at November 25, 2002 01:05 PM

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