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July 26, 2002
we did the first 40
we did the first 40 miles of the trail, it felt really good to carry a heavy backpack through tons of beautiful scenery and camp out and cook on my stove and a campfire and be with good friends. then we decided that the second 40 miles of the trail weren't worth it, cause everyone said that there is an 8 mile stretch that's infested with bears and that's not maintained which means we'd have to spend a day at least going around downed trees which is not very fun, so instead we got to coopers landing and hitched to homer, this amazingly nice guy named paul picked us up and is letting us stay at his house, homer is fun and quite similar to seward, we like it a lot, today we walked around the spit and this elderly man took us out to free lunch at the senior's center, it was weird but very nice. now we're going to go get food at the natural foods store and cook dinner for paul, then maybe go back out to the bars but really i'm tired and just want to sleep and look out his window at the amazing view of the harbor. nobody think i'm a wimp for not completing all 80 miles of our intended trip, it was the best choice. ok i get back to reno in 13 days and a wakeup, pretty excited about that.
Posted by bendan at July 26, 2002 05:49 PM
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