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July 19, 2002

i'm at shannen's mom's house

i'm at shannen's mom's house in girdwood. we just cooked dinner, actually i cooked dinner, pasta with olive oil garlic onions green peppers mushrooms and spices, it's so nice to cook in an actual kitchen with sharp knives and burners that heat up fast. shannen's mom and her step dad are super fun, i was worried that they would recognize me from my drunken shenanigans at the forest festival which took place here, but apparently they were in a similar state. thank goodness. went to anchorage today and i found a killer reno tshirt at the salvation army thriftstore, also got some vegan junkfood which i'd forgotten that i missed so much, and i got an henry and june by anais nin, which is starting off really cool and making me wish i'd finished tropic of cancer instead of lending it to michael. drew, dave and meridith went out hiking today, i'm a tiny bit worried i won't be in adequate shape to do the resurrection pass/river trails, but i'll push myself through if nothing else. ok gonna go make a fire and drinke a few cool beers. my eye is swollen just a little but it's gonna be better tomorrow, i'm certain.

Posted by bendan at July 19, 2002 09:43 PM

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