It was good to go back to reno for a few days. i got to hang out with both sides of my family, shannen a bunch, daveo, owen, andrew a little, rachel, and some other friends along the way. in true reno style, we had one very good night of drinking at the alibi bar. i did some mountain biking, plus a lot of riding around the streets of reno. It feels like reno is really trying to branch out, for instance the tour de nez, the local bike race, has been expanded to 2 full days, including blocking off large portions of downtown. They have the kayak course on the river, and a lot of artists and musicians doing stuff in july. Still, it feels very small there to me, and visiting made me happy to be living here in SF.
I slept one evening in the old katherinehouse, which drew and family are remodeling to sell. It made me a little nostalgic for the good times I lived there, I must admit.
So I’ve been reading tons of these open letters to people or entities who are unlikely to respond. my favorites include these letters to the makers of glaceau water, the guy who scored only 12 "fast money" points on family feud in the mid-seventies, and to the customers of my tattoo shop. this stuff is very funny, check it out.
so now i'm back to my life here, working this weekend but also we're having a potluck dinner for kristy, my roommate, on saturday night. should be fun. plus we're looking for a new roommate since maya is moving out. so lots going on.
Posted by bendan at July 8, 2004 06:01 PM | TrackBackHey dan, How are you? I got your email the other week but I deleted it and forgot your email address. I was in Reno over the weekend too. Thats awesome you're living in s.f. I'm still in santa cruz (I still have another year till I graduate.) Glad to hear you are well. Maybe I'll hear from you again soon.
Mandy (Peterson)