June 27, 2004

rappers and other things

so the rapper dmx seems like he's following in the footsteps of my favorite rapper, the ol' dirty bastard. apparently, dmx was caught impersonating an fbi agent and trying to steal cars out of the long term parking at an airport. pretty smart for a guy worth millions. good old crack cocaine.
still, dmx has a long way to go to rival the awe and splendor of the ol dirty bastard. here's a short history of ol dirty's public life and criminal misfortunes. here's a quote:

"He'd fathered at least thirteen children, and his wife, Icelene Jones, claimed he hadn't paid any support in over a year. During a following Grammy Awards show, ODB rushed onstage during Shawn Colvin 's acceptance speech and began discussing his recent purchase of some expensive clothes and, tangentially, his loss to Puff Daddy in the same ceremony. He then announced a new name, Big Baby Jesus, but was never able to give a coherent explanation for the switch."

as i said before, good old crack cocaine.

so this last friday i was finally able to attend one of the vaunted SF critical mass bike rides. we all met at market and embarcadero, and commenced riding at 6:15 or so. it wasn't my first time riding with critical mass, back in reno we'd had rides a few years back, culminating in one ride in which more then 200 people came along (naturally, this large number of people doing something relating to activism was spurred by the offer of free beer). the SF ride was deemed small, though there were at least 250 people. we rode straight up market street, blocking traffic and not stopping at any stoplights. now i've had discussions with folks, including my parents, as to the effectiveness of this method of promoting bicycle awareness. my father, after having been caught in a car and made to wait years back, felt that it annoyed drivers more then making them sympathetic to bicycles. in some ways i see his point, but at the same time it felt very good to be able to ride down the street not frantically scanning to make sure i don't get run over by yet another mercedes suv driven by some asshole on a cellphone. we also stopped and talked to people on the streets and in cars about why we were riding, about how we want drivers to not ignore and try to kill us, and how riding a bicycle is a statement against oil wars.

so i can't seem to get the lewd and goofy songs of the band the moldy peaches out of my head. i've tried everything.

i added some more links down below of friends with nerdy webpages like this one.
think i might be back in reno to visit before too long, i'm in need of some mountain biking and to visit some folks.

Posted by bendan at June 27, 2004 10:20 AM | TrackBack

the other day i was making a drink for a customer and without giving much thought to what i was singing.....

"squinched up your face and did a dance
you shook a little turd out of the bottom of your pants...."

i received quite a few disgruntled glances. it was great.

Posted by: shannen on June 28, 2004 12:56 PM
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