June 14, 2004

a quick catchup

so been neglecting my site, as you can imagine cause i've been busy. in the week or so since i've been back i've been doing more work as in interpreter and translator, got to do some documents, it brought me all the way back to my university translating class, wish i had my good dictionaries with me but my friend blaine pointed me towards the yahoo bilingual online dictionary. used in concert with wordreference.com and my favorite old paperback dictionary from spain, i can get by.
haven't been working as much at the restaurant, which i kinda prefer. i was thinking today about how when i'm there, people always comment that i never get excited and always portray the same mood, that of serene calm. compare that with how i am outside of work, i.e. very excited about most things i'm doing and prone to high fiving every new person i meet, and you get the idea how little interest i have in that job. still, i'm scared to quit it, cause i need tdo be saving money towards the eventual inevitable travels that come.
lets see, so what did i do last week? on friday night i went to a debut party for this magazine that's just starting. it's called swindle, and it's being put out by shepard fairey, the guy behind all the andre the giant stuff. the party wasn't that great to be honest, but matt and i kept it real by drinking king cobra 40's in the alley next to the venue, which was located on seedy and wonderful 6th street. we witnessed a homeless guy practicing the venerable "walk and pee off to one side" trick, which reminded me of aaron buskirk at burningman for some reason. insdie the art was ok but all the people were too attractive and snooty looking, so matt, adrianne and i took turns walking out and smuggling 40's of the cobra back in. the evening ended with my passing out in adrianne's roomate's empty bed, and matt being overtaken by illness early the next morn. poor bastard.
so yeah, getting to the next morning, the real meat of this entry. i woke up, at some tortillas with hot sauce as adrianne played bands i'd never heard of, then i rode home. i love waking up in the mission, i must say. i got home, and colin my roommate was raring to leave, to go to the world naked bike ride. there were about 40 of us and i couldn't stop laughing the whole time as we rode from the embarcadero all the way up to golden gate park. i ran into megan and her roommate sam along he way, and she snapped this photo. i could say more about the event but really it was just silly fun, the view of everyone's naked butts again the urban architecture of downtown i thought pretty inspiring and thought provoking, but then i remembered, it's sf where i live, people are totally used to this shit.

ok, last thing i'll post is that my brother steve has finally revived his site. he's up in alaska, expect some good drinking and camping stories from him.
also, my friend kari in hawaii has a site now, expect good bike riding and beautiful weather stories from her.

Posted by bendan at June 14, 2004 11:09 PM | TrackBack

what a beautiful... bike you have.

Posted by: kari on June 16, 2004 01:58 PM
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