May 13, 2004

so many shows, so little time

so i got off work yesterday, rode my track bike all the way up mccallister no problem, but arrived at amoeba on haight too late to see the first song played by camper van beethovan, all her favorite fruit. indeed, that's my favorite song by them, and i was surprised they played it first, i thought they would have played it last. i listened to the rest of their set, but it was a bummer, i listened to that song constantly when i was in mexico and central america, it would have been exellent to see it live. oh well.
things go well here, settling into my house, finally unpacking my clothes. been riding my bike constantly, it's daunting to take it down the steep hills, but it climbs like a dream, and on the flat it's so fast. gotta get some tape and cover up the bianchi decals though before someone trys to nab it. not that i'll leave it outside at night or anything.
so cat power will be playing here the 26th and 27th, any reno folks who want to come should do so, and crash with me and aaron.
last night finally caught up with brian, who was my roommate the first semester in spain, and who i hadn't seen in 3 years. he's doing well, goes mountain biking a lot and has a job doing digital mapping. we went and got rad indian food then played some darts in a bar in the inner sunset neighborhood. he said if i got my mnt bike up here he'd take me riding in marin, gotta sweet talk someone into driving it up though, as well as my desktop, which now that i have a room i would love to have up here. it would be a good trade, drive it up and i'll be your tourguide in the city for a few days. and i'm getting to know streets, so i wouldn't even get us lost very much.

Posted by bendan at May 13, 2004 10:26 AM | TrackBack
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