May 06, 2004

a month anniversary

so today is the one month anniversary of me moving to s.f. it's been a good month, done a lot of getting on with my life. i feel like i'm a lot happier, though not happy all the time, but no one is i guess.
so the first book i read when i moved here was called my life in heavy metal, by steve almond. i'd read some of his stories on, and decided to get the book from the library after i read half the first story in a bookstore. i can't say that all the stories are fantastic, maybe 2 were let downs, but the vast majority and 2 in particular were so amazing i must have read them 3 times each. he has a way of putting into words the emotions i've been feeling but can't begin to describe. i'm gonna go see him talk on the 20th at some bookstore here about his new book, it's reading writers like him that get me inspired to write, i would so love to take the class he teaches about creative writing, but that's on the east coast and at some fancy university.
ok, off to ride to work, then climbing tonight. i haven't been drinking for a few days, if i was i'd have a beer tonight on the roof. maybe next week.

Posted by bendan at May 6, 2004 09:59 AM | TrackBack

happy anniversary. i'd like to go see Steve Almond with you.

Posted by: M on May 6, 2004 05:18 PM
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