March 29, 2004

cockeyed tv

so yesterday owen and i got up early, loaded the video equipment, and drove over to sacramento. we were to meet up with rob cockerham, of owen had found rob's site sometime back, and had someone gotten a few producers down in hollywood interested enough that they wanted a 3 to 5 minute video detailing what a show of cockeyed tv would entail.
now on, rob conducts all sorts of science exeriments, victimless pranks, and finding out how much is inside of a given container of something, for instance lipstick or a printer cartridge. he conducts all of his pranks and experiments with money from his own pocket, and when owen asked him what he would do if he had a budget behind him, excellent ideas readily flowed forth. so over the course of the day, we taped him talking about the history of his site, the pranks and experiments he's done, and what he'd do if he had a tv show. we even recreated a certain prank, out in the industrial section of west sacramento.
it feels good to be involved with video again, i have to say. yesterday owen and i took turns being director and trying to coax just the right sentence out of rob. over the course of the day we saw him get a little more comfortable with the lense pointed at him, it really is a hard thing to get used to and i for one feel like i always look ridiculous, but maybe we all do. for me, it's much better to be behind the scenes, pushing the buttons. i leave for portland on thursday morning, so we have between now and then to edit the piece well enough that some network orders a pilot. think we're gonna use dawn's editing system, she's being very kind to let us get some time in, though first i have to go try and borrow a portable harddrive from my old job at unr. cross your fingers.

so we drove back and got here around 8, it was a long day. steve's bar-b-q was still rocking, so i ate some good vegan sausages and hung out with owen, dawn, andrea, heeter, and alfredo for a while. everyone who's still in school is swamped right now, i can't believe i've been done for nearly 2 years. i've been to a few places, but feels like i haven't got that much done. if this tv stuff picks up, then i'll be rolling.

today i work my second to last day, hope i make good money or else get sent home quick. i did very well on saturday, so i have some cash for portland, or maybe for some ink related adventures to take place later on today, we'll see.

these days alcohol is providing me with a pause button more then the fast forward i desire.

Posted by bendan at March 29, 2004 08:18 AM | TrackBack
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