so i'm sitting here reading michael moore's book "dude, where's my country?"
it is very well researched, with most statements backed up with footnotes and the like. i just finished the chapter where he ponies together all the false evidence concerning the connection between osama bin laden and saddam hussein, and illustrates the manipulation that was involved in convincing many of us that they were in bed together. the truth is that they hate each other, so much that they wouldn't even work together to fight us, the great white satan.
in an earlier chapter moore wrote about how the september 11th attacks were as much perpetrated by the nation of saudi arabia as they were designed by bin laden, who is said to have serious kidney problems and needs dialysis often. what was the number, 15 of the 19 hijackers were from saudi arabia? moore points out that if they had been cuban, or north korean, then we would have said "north korea attacks america," instead of using a generic "terrorists."
and this of course is because we have so many links to saudi arabia, we launched the first gulf war to defend them, they sell us oil, we ignore that they are a dictatorship, ect...
well, i sit here, thinking about all this, thinking about how bush will most very likely get re-elected again this year, and it all seems so ridiculous to me. the word ridiculous doesn't really do justice to the magnitude of what has happened, but i can't think of any other word. what the fuck happened to our country? what if we have 4 more years of bush, then his little brother jeb gets elected? what if arnold terminator gets elected? my folks are talking about moving to new zealand of that happens, is that really a viable option that we should have to consider?
dammit. ok enough ranting for now, gotta go rockclimbing. sometimes i want to give up on knowing about what's going on in the world, but then i remember how i love npr.