April 27, 2003

we like the moon!

thanks to bruce for sending me this video thingie, good weirdness.
my job is alright, got to translate on friday between the employees who work in the housekeeping and the kitchen and a human resourses lady, it was a little hard but i helped them express their concerns and problems. I have little faith that the corporation will listen to any of their wishes, for instance they are only allowed to work 7.5 hours a day, so if they get called in to do a 6th day they end up not getting paid any overtime for it. bullshit corporate mentality, but i knew that going in. oh well, i'm only there for 2 more months. i can handle it easy for 2 months, i'm already blocking myself from all the gossipy drama that goes on, man, nurses and nursing home staff sure like to talk shit.

Posted by bendan at April 27, 2003 09:42 AM | TrackBack
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