February 22, 2003

get your bus on

just finished two almost solid days of chicken bus riding, finally got into leon, nicaragua. last night i made it to the border of el salvador and honduras right as night fell, in some sketchy as hell trucker town. there was some tourbus that arrived right before i hiked up to the border, so i had to wait in line as the last bus to a reasonable town took off down the road. finally i made it through the line, and walked into honduras with it being completely dark. the truckers were eying my backpack so i hoofed it over to the first hotel i could find, one of those room with a bed and a fan and concrete walls places, 4 bucks was a fair price since i was feeling a bit exposed. this morn i awoke in my concrete room and booked it out of there, busses across southern honduras, to the nicaraguan border, then two different busses and a taxi ride to get into the center of leon. over the 2 days, at least 8 busses, so sufficed to say, i`m ready for some stationary time.
leon seems cool, rather quite hot weather wise, but i hear tell of a italian restaurant that has falafels, got my fingers crossed. the funny part of getting here is that the first hotel i went to was full, so i went wandering, and found a nice one for 3.50 shared room, and who happened to be there but fucking doug, the gringo who drove me nuts when i was on utila. as the norwegians stated, he`s your ¨typical american,¨ which means he`s loud and as irritating as anyone i`ve ever met. i`me actually planning to switch hotels tomorrow morning, that`s how much he sucks. don`t get me started.
ok i`ll stop writing since this isn`t interesting since all i`ve been doing is riding busses. talked to bob schwenkler on messenger today, the reno kids should all write and encourage him to come for the graduation of dawn and shannen and whoever else is graduating.

Posted by bendan at February 22, 2003 02:27 PM | TrackBack
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