here comes a busy weekend. we're having a party at the house tonight for the moving away of billy spaceman, who knows how many people he's invited, i'm locking down my room and may find somewhere else to stay. then saturday dawn turns 21, we wanna take her to the bar but i think we'll all go over to her house and drink a few beers and jump on the trampoline. i haven't been updating this mofo lately, no time left even to browse the internet, which used to be an essential daily ritual for me, damn work and college. ate at the indian restaurant today, so good, james sported so it was even better. we've all watched the ghetto airlines thing so many times that instead of saying "hey guys i'm leaving" i now say "i'm gonna floss and fly my bike on up out of this bitch," i'm beginning to talk like that in class so i better stop. billy and i converted my mountain bike into a one speed, it lost at least 2 lbs of gears and shifters, maybe now i'll be better able to keep up with my little brother rocket steve who rides so fast. the harddrive in the living room computer took a dive, with luck drew will replace it so i can DJ from the mp3 drive tonight, or just make everyone watch ghetto airlines so i'm not the only one who says "hand me a beer so i can get my drink on." the singing and music for this are kinda cool, even though it's mostly just damn weird. i hope that satire wire continues with this story idea, my money is on norway.
drew has almost finished off an entire plastic bottle of bacos, pouring them into the lid and shooting them into his mouth like whiskey. there's a can of green beans he's been eyeing, before long i'll find a cold empty tin can with a spoon sticking out of it sitting on the living room table. andrew morton, a true gourmet.