April 02, 2002

we returned from bishop last

we returned from bishop last night, can't wait to go back again. anyone interested? this week is going to consist of working and trying to complete some of my huge chore list, as well as climbing and mountain bike riding and maybe even swimming. supposedly i will be on the KUNR alternative radio show this saturday at 12 midnight, with my buddy ryan. now i know you're all asking yourselves, wow, what an excellent time for a radio show! if i'm not already drunk enough that i won't remember to turn the radio on, i'm already asleep! so for the few of you who just yearn to hear my smooth melodic voice coasting over the airwaves, tune in to KUNR or else go here on the internet
finally found a link to this very weird practice that drew always starts talking about when i'm halfway up a rockclimbing problem, it makes me lose my concentration and fall off.

Posted by bendan at April 2, 2002 09:48 AM | TrackBack
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