May 15, 2002

on the day i left

on the day i left to come back from spain, i walked out of the internet cafe where my friend juan worked for the last time, and as i walked out of the old part of town all of the people slowed down and everything went into slow motion. i stared at them going about their normal lives in this city i loved so much, and thought about how when i came back it would never be the same as it was during that year.
today in class during my last final, i half expected this to happen again. i examined the people on the other side of the room writing away at the essay questions, and i thought about all the millions of people who are studying and learning and the zillions more who will be, and how although i'll most likely come back to a school setting to learn again, that it will never be like it has been up until now. ever since i finished elementary school i always look at myself in the mirror on the morning of the last day of school for the year, i did it this morning for the last time. this all feels very good and very weird, as you can imagine.

Posted by bendan at May 15, 2002 01:26 PM | TrackBack
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