June 01, 2002

3 good things for the

3 good things for the day:
1. we're gonna tryand buy this subaru '83 wagon today for less then 300 bucks, tried it out yesterday and it will rule for the summer, we'll drop another 100 into it for new spark plugs and registration and stuff like that, then cruise around to local places that are too far to bike to, including this place where i can supposedly boulder. that rules.
2. found the new seward saloon last night, got there at 10 and they had dance music and a dance floor and a disco ball and tons of alaskan gangsters, which i thought were a seldom seen phenomenon, but are apparently in full force here in seward. going back tonight to get our dance on.
3. 11 bucks in tip money means tons of games of pool or else a few beers. hella.

Posted by bendan at June 1, 2002 02:33 PM | TrackBack
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