it's been a nice couple of days, even though the bakery didn't give me any hours after i told them that i was leaving. it's funny, i felt like i was being a good guy, not just walking out or not showing up like i thought i'd do but instead giving them notice, and they've rewarded me by not giving me any hours in this last week. kinda crappy of them, but it's not a big deal cause i've made more then i intented to make this summer already and the weather is perfect today and i'm gonna go on a bikeride after this or maybe i'll even throw myself into the freezing ocean. someday, prolly when i get back i'll get a chance ot write the end of the boat adventure, i spent most of my half hour on the computer today helping this guy next to me send a message to his family. the sea kayaking was so great, it was overcaste and my new friend meridith and i stopped past tunsina point and built a small fire out of dried driftwood and watched the boats and other kayakering cruise around the bay. i feel like i haven't had enough chance to write about some of the cool folks i've met, like steve the bartender from yugoslavia who really is the best bartender i've ever met ever, and maryland the neat old lady who makes all the salads at my work and lives in a warhouse and loves spam sandwiches. again, prolly when i get back. everyone wish my brother steve a happy birthday if you feel like it, he's 20 today.
Posted by bendan at July 16, 2002 02:30 PM | TrackBack