back from burningman, this year turned out to be one of the best. gonna kick around reno for a bit, then cruise up friday or saturday to portland to hang out with some friends for a week, then i'm gonna ride back down on my bike, looking forward to that. tonight gonna watch the stepford wives, that should be good, i saw a bit of it when i was in boise but haven't seen the whole thing. it's nice to be able to go sit on the grass in the front yard and to have showered and not be covered in playa dust. said goodbye to our camp today, good folks all of them, i might make a strong effort to get back up the the states by this time next year, depends on how i find it down south of the border. been reading about mexican drug kingpins, what a crazy damn country. reading emails from my friends and brother who are studying in central and south america makes me jealous and so excited to get down there. anyways, off to watch that film.
Posted by bendan at September 2, 2002 08:04 PM | TrackBack