October 05, 2002

holy exciting new plans, batman!so

holy exciting new plans, batman!
so i got an email from aaron today in which he was talking about how the weather is really nice in ohio right now, and i got to thinking. then i fired up orbitz.com, and typed in las vegas to columbus ohio round trip. guess what it came up with? $211 including airfare. this means that can get my travel on out to ohio after a few measily days working temp jobs or at some bookstore here in vegas. Not 100% sure of this, but that sounds ridiculously cheap and i need to discuss some future plans with aaron over some, ahem, pitchers of beer. rock.
today hung out with some new friends i met at balcony lights, the record store i spend tons of time in. we went to the fantastik indoor swapmeet, a place which i don't know if i've posted about before but it's, as it's name implies, fantastik. it is a smorgasboard of booths full of all manner of crappy products, definitely unhealth code approved snackbars, weird swap meet fruit stands, and tons of weirdos and teenage mothers shouting at their baby's daddy's. ahh yes. also their is an amazing animal attraction, which cost a dollar this time, but i still stuck my head in and saw a poor leopard laying motionless against the glass wall. i got told to pay or leave before i could get a glimpse of the monkeys, the poor poor monkeys who are dressed up like children and locked in a similiar glass cage from which they can't throw any of their poop at the subnormals snapping pictures of the wretched creatures.
tonight not sure what i'm gonna do, last evening i wandered the streets for a while, and realized that there are tons of strange stores scattered throughout the immense amount of stripmalls and shopping centers that, along with tons of casinos and countless apartment complexes, make up this strange strange city. keep in touch, i'm off to do..something. not sure what.

Posted by bendan at October 5, 2002 06:52 PM | TrackBack
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