October 28, 2002

today was overcast and a

today was overcast and a bit rainy, not so bad though. this girl brought a street kitten to the hostel and left it there, i played with it a bit this morning, i miss having a pet. went with bruce and kathrine, 2 new friends, she´s from tazmania and he´s from canadia, as well as pascual, to some nearby ruins called monte alban. quite a large site, olmec as well as other cultures inhabited it from as early as 100 ad up until around when the spaniards arrived in this country. bruce and i made a bunch of jokes about sacrificing virgins, but it was a powerful place, all of the overgrowth on many of the pyramids and structures had been cleaned away and they were redoing the brickwork.

i have it down to spending about 15 bucks u.s. a day, pretty good. cuba turns out to be more expensive then i thought it would be, so i might not spend a full month there. i am torn between heading down towards puerto escondido and the small coastal beaches and waiting here in oaxaca for day of the dead, they say it is quite elaborate here but i´d have to stay another 6 days. i think it´s too much.

derek left today, he was one of those who i went with to the dance clubs the other night. buena gente, he will be in chiapas from december to january, i plan to meet up with him and hang out. he speaks fluent spanish as well, and has a killer job back home. the health care system i guess it was trained him as a medical interpreter in his town of merced, california, close to sacremento. all of the training was free and he´s accredited as well as you can be for a field that doesn´t have a formalized accreditation system. he works as an independent contracter and can choose whatever days he wants, and gets at least 20 an hour. that sounds quite good for me, i am gonna look into whether reno or maybe flagstaff has need of work like that. he mentioned that in s.f. people with that skill set can get as much as 70 an hour. hot damn, quick travel money is what that sounds like to me.

being on the road is good, i see myself doing this for quite a while. been talking to folks who´s been all over southeast asia, i see that as a destination i will be heading towards before too long. someone also mentioned small islands for sale off the coast of several central american countries, not sure if that´s possible, but how cool would that be, to be able to invite you all to spend time on my island? who knows, probably just a daydream.

Posted by bendan at October 28, 2002 03:59 PM | TrackBack
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