December 27, 2002

acampamentista with the help of


with the help of my new friend bodhi, part of the couple from northern california that i mentioned earlier, i have my letter of recommendation from an activist group in the u.s, which means i am all set to go do some international observer work in a zapatista village here in the state of chiapas. i have met many folks who have stayed at the hostel who are involved in this work, it seems like a very important thing to do. i figure i will be leaving for the countryside next week, probably after new years. i will be out there for either 2 weeks or a month, iŽm not certain yet, i just realized that i have a powerful itch to head down into guatemala and the rest of central america, so weŽll see.
today just getting some errands taken care of, then i have the briefing at 4:30 for the observer work. iŽll write more about that tomorrow.

weird things in the news:
china builds animal park where you can eat the animals
the british think saddam deserves honarary british citizenship. dorks.

Posted by bendan at December 27, 2002 11:04 AM | TrackBack
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